Hi, Welcome to Jason's personal website!! Thanks for visiting

This website template was created by sadgrl.online. The original template has been slightly modified.

The Fish cursor was created for my friend- Angela.

@TheSpeedofYES's Website
Welcome to Jason's Website!!


This layout is based on 'kawaii collage' by sugarpurr. Code was borrowed from sadgrl.online . And modified by Me.

About Me:

HI, I'm Jason, also known as @TheSpeedofYES or Jas_zh online. I'm your average asian kid, you know, interested in Phy, Chem, Bio, Maths etc. Currently I'm 14, speaks Chinese, English and learning Japanese(I use English mainly). Was born in California, currently living in Hong Kong.

Alright, enough about me!

Random Thoughts

These thoughts are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION. Do not take it seriously!! Thanks OwO

I feel like the internet might be dying:

In the modern day(2024), companies are shoving "AI" LLMs down our throats. Web2.0 has taken over the internet, forums are dead and so are personal websites, though most of my young life in the late 2010s was not spent online, I feel a deep appreciation for the early internet websites, specifically the styles of the early 2000s, where nearly everyone had their own website. Nowadays most of the internet has been squeezed into a handful of websites such as, Youtube, Reddit, Twitter(I won't call it X) etc. Recently I've discovered this great website builder called Neocities, all you need is know how to write basic HTML5, CSS and maybe some Javascript to start creating your personal website(Yes, you can host your webite for free!!). I just hope one day personal websites will be popular again.


1.0.0 Release Day 24/7/2024

This Website was released

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Site Updates:

Ver. 1.0.0 - 24/7/2024
Ver 1.0.1 - 25/7/2024

More Catsum

Meow meow attack the dog then pretend like nothing happened chase little red dot someday it will be mine! destroy couch as revenge for use lap as chair, so always hungry but lick butt. Be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day mrow yet catching very fast laser pointer.

Carrying out surveillance on the neighbour's dog. Sleeps on my head waffles, so pet me pet me don't pet me so stand with legs in litter box, but poop outside check cat door for ambush 10 times before coming in for hack up furballs, curl into a furry donut. Touch water with paw then recoil in horror. Cats are the world.